Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Soul To Keep

"As I Lay Myself To Sleep, I Pray The Lord My Soul to Keep"

Part of the reality of life is hardship. That is not a negative statement. It is just a statement of fact. Everyday brings new challenges. Living with the expectation that life will be difficulties makes it easier to deal with.I once felt that my family was the reason that i was able to endure what ever the world through in my direction. But I've come to realize that I am the reason why I have survived. As I lay myself to sleep thoughts of the past flutter through my head. A man deprives a young women of her chastity and virtue. Then he steals her friends from her. He then robs her of her smile. He holds captive the sands of time which measures the rate at which her heart shall grow. He is yet satisfied with him self, for it pierces his heart to see that she who should have perished along with the rest has emerged and prepared her self for battle. She Will fight for her right to her happiness. Why should she be denied the finest purities the world has to offer.She she puts on her armor and keeps in mind that she goes to battle for the love she deserve to give as well as receive. As she rides out into battle she forgives all those whom she felt had forsaken her.And with a heart which has been lighten by the burden of hate she no longer carries within her, She strikes him with a powerful blow. He and his evilness plunders with force to the ground. She has won the battle. But little does she know a war approaches with with many other hidden enemies. These foes have all but disguised themselves as relatives. As she seeks warriors to join her cause it is revealed to her the true darkness in the ones she once loved and considered brethrin. Al thought she has gained the love of the most Nobelist of man, and regained the heart of a women she once saw as soiled she has lost a comrade who she thought would be along side her in every war she is to fight in shield and sword hand in hand. How naive of her. Hasn't she learned by now thee who swore by me shall only deceive me! Has she lost this war? As I lay my head to sleep I wonder have I lost this war? Has this man been allowed to take away my cousin break my aunt and wound the relationship between my cousin and parents,has he been allowed to devouer the bond that holds this family together. YES HE HAS...but with the expectation of the difficulties that I may face in life As I Lay Myself To Sleep I Pray The Lord My Soul To Keep, may he bless me so that I may see that tomorrow the battle continues and He:That wicked man has not won the battle of tomorrow but only that of yesterday!

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